Friday, May 7, 2010

Good News from Steve Stornant


"i have been driving a f!!!!!!! large truck around the greater detroit metro area delivering coffee for one week...have u driven in detroit lately....absolutely the worst...spend at least 1 hour a day in traffic in LA....the roads are attroshus....see at least 2 accidents per day...and want to flick the bird to unruly drivers at least once every hour...however 3 times i passed by bretts hospital..each time i spoke or texted amy...and then for at least an hour i would slow down and let cars merge in front of me...especialy the old folks..and i wouldnt give the finger or yell at drivers who cut me off....and then when i got home i watched the tv show overhaulin...the person getting overhauled was lance armstrong....then the net day i see him on the news..after i read brettios blog..this means something......unca steve"

...Keep the good news coming!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sometimes you walk the dog... sometimes the dog walks you. I think we can all relate.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Truffle Crisp

I just sank my teeth into the new 3 Musketeers Truffle Crisp, and my day became exponentially better. Has anyone tried it? Crispy nougat, layered with fluffy truffle, covered in decadent chocolate. Let me tell you, crispy nougat is a great invention. Go get a Truffle Crip now, and make your day better.
- Anna

P.S. (and forgive me, Aunt Claud, for the delay in this post). The other day, Claudia was encouraged by the radio to "let go, and let God." Claudia thought this was a perfect mantra for our days, and I concur.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Are you here for an inpatient visit?

Brett sent me this photo today with the caption: Question from karmanos check in desk, "are you here for an inpatient visit?" :) Brett, I'm glad your spirits are up. We love you and we'll see you soon. In other family news, Claudia is hoping to spend tomorrow afternoon at school. Pray for a good day. I bet her friends are excited to see her back (even if it's just a half day for now).

You are both an inspiration . Thoughts and prayers!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Relay for Life

Tomorrow is my Relay for Life at the track at Michigan State. I set my original fundraising goal to $100.00 and quickly had to change it to $1,000 because of all of the unexpected donations I received. Tonight, I surpassed my goal. I'm very excited about the whole thing and I'm honored to be a part of such a wonderful cause. Many people donated in support of Brett and in honor of Bonz. Mary Sue and Setas Produce have generously provided us with crates of fruit for our on-site fundraiser. Claudia, Robert, Bubba, and Anthony will all be sporting our team shirts during Relay. The theme this year is "celebrating more birthdays"... my mom and Anthony have already baked the cupcakes. The event is open to anyone who wants to come, whether you're walking the track, running the track, or even just hanging out for the cause (6pm-7am)... bring a friend! Thank you to everyone who donated to our team and I'll be posting pictures after the event.
We love you Brettio!!

5-6:30pm: Set Up

6:30pm: Opening Ceremony

7pm: Survivor Victory Lap

8pm: Relay Olympics

10pm: Luminaria Ceremony

12am: Thriller Dance

2am: Fight Back Ceremony

3am: Root Beer Tournament & Karaoke

6am: Aerobics

6:30am: Closing Ceremony

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Matthew Devine

Thanks to Paul for this inspirational story about Greg Devine's son...

Click here!